Understanding Comparative And Contributory Negligence

If you talk with a personal injury attorney about a case, you'll learn that injury claims, like most things in life, are rarely one-sided. The concepts that the law uses to describe this obvious fact are called comparative and contributory negligence. They speak directly to the standard of proof that's required if a case were to go to trial. Likewise, that standard governs how claims adjusters hired by insurance companies do their jobs. Read More 

3 Instances When A Family Lawyer May Need To Be Hired

You will run into many complicated situations in life, particularly where family is involved. Regardless of the many ups and downs that you may face, it can may a huge difference to have an experienced family attorney on your side. Keep reading to learn about a few of the situations in which a family law attorney can assist you and make things a bit easier. Divorce While you and your spouse may be splitting amicably, it is important to work with a reputable divorce attorney to ensure that the marriage is terminated properly. Read More 

Withholding Visitation: Is It Legal?

One of the biggest struggles for divorcing parents is establishing and maintaining a custody agreement. When one parent has primary custody and the other parent receives only visitation, it's important that the visitation schedule is adhered to. That visitation time is important for the children to spend time with their other parent and maintain their relationship. Unfortunately, this doesn't always happen the way that it should. Here's what you need to know about visitation withholding and its effect on your custody agreement. Read More 

Dealing With DUI Test Requests

There are a variety of options available to you when the police stop you for a DUI test. Below are some of the options and their consequences. Your Options Many people wonder whether they should take or refuse a DUI test if the police ask them to do so. If you are in such a situation, below are the three options available to you. Consent to the Test This is what the police expect you to do. Read More 

4 Tips For Ensuring You Receive Workers’ Compensation

One of the most challenging things in life that you may deal with is being hurt on the job. This can leave you in a financial bind. You are likely to have a number of medical bills that must be paid, and losing time from work can make this hard. It's a good idea to file for workers' compensation to help you get through this time. Here are some specific tips that will help ensure you get the money you need. Read More